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LiLI-D: The New Consumer Health Complete

Consumer Health Complete has a new home – Explora!  Explora’s engaging and accessible interface is designed to support research with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality. We will review the [...]

Early Learning LITT Discussion

Join us to talk about early learning in Idaho libraries. December Topic: Play, Dramatic Play, and Play Literacy in the Library We will be discussing ways to incorporate play into [...]

OCLC Holdings Maintenance Training

Please join the Idaho Commission for Libraries and OCLC for an interactive session to explore the importance of WorldCat Holdings and to address questions on the following topics: What are [...]

LITT: Teens – Food Programs

Want to get more teens to attend your programs? Try food! Food programs can be a fun way to entice teens into the library and share STEM lessons and information [...]

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