idea logo
Idaho Digital E-Book Alliance (IDEA) is a statewide partnership between the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL), public libraries, and school libraries with the goal of expanding access while reducing barriers to digital e-books and e-audio content via OverDrive.
Public Library Sign

Public Library Participation

Idaho School Library Participation

School Library Participation

Idahoans without a public library

Idahoans without a public library

Total Number of E-Book Titles
Total Number of Audio Titles
Total Number of Titles in Spanish
Total Number of Checkouts

About IDEA

In 2020, in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic and in response to the growing need for electronic materials, the ICfL embarked on a quest to find a way to supplement e-book and e-audio materials already available in public and school libraries. While a true statewide access collection was our wish, the cost for this service and the presence of existing OverDrive use throughout the state made it impossible. With the feedback of an Advisory Group and after investigating several service models, the ICfL chose to contract with OverDrive to create a collection which is available to school districts/libraries and to public libraries with existing OverDrive service. These materials will also be available to 280,000 Idahoans living outside of a public library service area. Unfortunately, OverDrive restricts academic libraries from participating in this statewide service.

Public libraries without OverDrive collections are encouraged to reach out to Marina Rose at to explore ways of gaining access.

The collection began with $179,278 in LSTA funds and Cares Act funds, with requests made to several other funding sources. The ICfL is committed to supporting student learning and has dedicated more than 90% of the IDEA collection to children, juvenile, and teen titles. The policies relating to this collection, including the Electronic Resources Borrowing Policy and the Electronic Resources Collection Development Policy, can be found on our Policies webpage.

Idahoans Without a Public Library

If you are one of 280,000 Idahoans who lives outside of a public library service area, you may access the IDEA collection by filling out the application below.


Idaho STEM Action Center

This program is brought to you by the Idaho Commission for Libraries and was made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

For more information on the IDEA project in Idaho, please contact Marina Rose at at the Idaho Commission for Libraries, 208.639.4165.

Marina Rose

E-Resources Library Consultant
Email / 208-639-4165
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