The ICfL is excited to announce the continuation of a grant for public libraries to support library-led, community-based efforts that help get preschoolers ready for kindergarten.

Public libraries can apply for up to $10,000, in increments of $1000 (min. $2000), to support programs and partnerships that meet the following goals:

  1. Ensure that more Idaho four-year-olds and their families have public library cards to gain access to the tools and resources needed to help children succeed in school, especially for families with limited access to preschool programming or who are not regular library users;
  2. Increase the amount of early literacy activities done in the homes of four-year-olds across the state; and
  3. Increase the number of successful public library, school, and community partnerships that increase third-grade reading proficiency by focusing on pre-kindergarten experiences, especially for underserved children.

Libraries that received a grant in 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 and are seeking continued funding may re-apply for up to half the original awarded amount, as long as previous grant requirements were fulfilled.

Libraries that applied for a K Ready grant in the past but were not awarded can apply again as a new applicant.

For details about the Kindergarten Readiness grant requirements, eligibility, application process, and timeline visit

Grant applications are due on or before August 31, 2020.

To see past grant projects please visit:

Questions about the grant or application process can be directed to Staci Shaw, Youth Services Consultant, or to Jamie Mott, Grants Officer.

This grant is subject to State annual appropriations being made available to support the ICfL’s Kindergarten Readiness Grant Program.

Staci Shaw

Staci Shaw

Youth Services Consultant
Email / 208-639-4178
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