Annual Statistical Report

Each year, public library boards are required to make a report of operations for the last fiscal year. Although the board usually delegates this duty to the library’s director, it is ultimately the board’s responsibility to comply with this requirement. This report is collected and compiled by the Idaho Commission for Libraries.

City Libraries

33-2611. REPORTS OF TRUSTEES. The board of trustees shall annually, not later than the first day of January, file with the board of library commissioners a report of the operations of the library for the fiscal year just ended. The report shall be of such form and contain such information as the board of library commissioners may require, but in all cases must include a complete accounting of all financial transactions for the fiscal year being reported. The board shall also report to the city council and mayor as required in section 50-210, Idaho Code.

District Libraries

33-2726. FISCAL YEAR — ANNUAL REPORTS — AUDIT. The fiscal year of each library district shall commence on the first day of October of each year. The board of trustees of each library district shall annually, not later than the first day of January, file with the board of library commissioners a report of the operations of the district for the fiscal year just ended. The report shall be on the form and contain the information that the board of library commissioners requires, but in all cases must include a complete accounting of all financial transactions for the fiscal year being reported.

The board of trustees of each library district shall cause to be made a full and complete audit of the books and accounts of the district as required in section 67-450B, Idaho Code.

The library’s annual report is a very good tool for reviewing what has happened at the library in the past year and for planning future efforts.


For more information on annual statistics, contact your ICfL Public Library Consultant

Review: Whose Duty Is it?

Directions: Per the preceding sections, who is accountable for shouldering the following roles and responsibilities?

1. Trustees Director Determines goals and objectives of the library
2. Trustees Director Acts as technical advisor to the board
3. Trustees Director Provides regular reports of budget status and expenditures
4. Trustees Director Determines and adopts collection development policy
5. Trustees Director Provides for in-services training for staff development
6. Trustees Director Recommends needed policies and provides recommendations and materials for study
7. Trustees Director Reviews policies on a regular basis, especially as part of the orientation of new trustees
8. Trustees Director Is completely informed about the financial status of the library
9. Trustees Director Attends all board meetings
10. Trustees Director Selects materials in harmony with collection development policy
11. Trustees Director Sees that complete and accurate records concerning finances, personnel, property inventory, and annual reports are on file at the library
12. Trustees Director Works for needed improvements for salaries and benefits
13. Trustees Director Is responsible for the day-to-day running of the library
14. Trustees Director Reviews policies regularly
15. Trustees Director Recommends needed policies
16. Trustees Director Establishes ways of providing library services to the community
17. Trustees Director Ensures that the library is well run
18. Trustees Director Prepares annual budget for discussion
19. Trustees Director Explains and defends the budget
20. Trustees Director Carries out policies, interpreting them to the public
21. Trustees Director Identifies financial needs of the library
22. Trustees Director Knows local, state, and national laws affecting the library
23. Trustees Director Manages the library
24. Trustees Director Works to secure adequate funding
25. Trustees Director Attends all committee meetings
26. Trustees Director Follows budget process as it moves through the funding process
27. Trustees Director Provides assistance and direction in setting goals and objectives for the library

Bonus Question: What is the single most important decision that the library board will make?

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