The Youth Services Team at ICfL is excited to announce the launch of our latest program to help libraries address gaps in kindergarten readiness in their communities. This new program is a series of Kindergarten Readiness Outreach Workshops aimed at supporting families with 4-year-old children. Each workshop focuses on a different research-based practice that supports early learning: singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing. The workshops are each 1 hour long, and follow a “program in a box” model – libraries are supplied with a program plan that includes talking points to deliver to families, facilitated activities, and select supplies to support the workshop. Each family that attends a workshop will receive a school supply kit that includes the following:
- An ICfL-branded pencil pouch
- Plastic safety scissors
- Bottle of Glue
- 6-inch wooden ruler
- Washi tape
- Crayons
- Vroom™ early literacy tip cards
Libraries that are interested in hosting a workshop in their community can find out more details about this program and apply here:
Questions? Contact Jennifer Redford, Youth Services Consultant: