The Survival Guide for Idaho Library Directors is now part of the ICfL website. Now that the agency is moving away from the LibGuide platform, this quick-start, ready-reference source for the accidental public library director in Idaho will be easier for directors to find and navigate and easier for ICfL staff to maintain.
There are links to the Survival Guide from the:
- ICfL homepage, under Library Staff > Leadership & Management,
- Publications page, and
- Trustees and Directors page, under Library Staff > Leadership & Management.
The Survival Guide is designed to provide the unexpected library director with professionally-curated resources that lead to success and to identify tutorials and expert advice on specific topics, duties, and tasks involved in running a public library, including:
- planning,
- policy development, and
- resources to help illuminate the new director’s path to enlightenment.
The links in the right-hand column will take you to printable documents that you can download, print, and place in your Transition Notebook. Each of the documents shows the most recent revision date, so you’ll want to make sure that you have the most recent version in your notebook.
The Survival Guide and Transition Notebook are designed for the accidental public library director to use together and make a handy orientation and training tool. If your library does not have a Transition Notebook, right now is the perfect time to start one for your library. Just fill it in as you learn! Please follow the link to learn more about the Transition Notebook.
As always, if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions for improving these two publications, please contact your ICfL Area Field Consultant and we will be happy to help!