We are pleased to bring “The Importance of Strategic Planning” to Idaho for this year’s Trustee Connections. This virtual training will be held June 18,2021 from 1-3 MT.
Registration is now closed
The workshop, presented by Minnesota-based Library Strategies, is part of an LSTA-funded grant project developed and managed by the Montana State Library. While trustees and directors are the primary audience for Trustee Connections, this year we will be welcoming library staff who participated in the first phase of the grant project to join us.
The Importance of Strategic Planning workshop will include:
- Exploration of why planning is important for libraries and their communities.
- Learning about the essentials and structure of a planning process.
- Investigate why and how community engagement should be the heart of a planning process.
- Exploration of how facilitated planning can lead to better prioritization of library needs, new perspectives on service, and better access for underserved communities.
Training recording and handouts
Please contact Tammy Hawley-House with any questions you may have about the event: Tammy.Hawley-House@libraries.idaho.gov
2019 Trustee Connections-Roles and Responsibilities of Library Boards
Handouts & Resources:
Board Chair-CEO Relationship
Board Orientation
Clarification of Roles
Govern vs. support
Nonprofit Life Cycle
Role of a Public Library Trustee
What are the legal responsibilities of nonprofit board members
What Does a Committee Member Do on a Nonprofit Board?
What does it mean to be an ambassador?
What goes in the board of directors manual?
What I wish I knew before I joined the board
What is a Consent Agenda for a Board Meeting?
Working Board vs governing board