medical plus sign with state of idaho outlined in the center

Telehealth References and Resources

Telehealth Care Providers

Do you have patrons looking to access telehealth services but don’t yet have a healthcare provider? Here are some telehealth options available for Idaho residents.

St. Alphonsus Care On Demand

St. Alphonsus patients can access virtual on-demand care from their MyChart account. Find out more by visiting the St. Alphonsus website. Below are copies of a flyer and brochure with instructions for how to access telehealth services through St. Alphonsus.

St. Luke’s On-Demand Virtual Care

St. Luke’s On-Demand Virtual Care is available to anyone in Idaho, regardless of their location, and even provides same-day appointments. Find out more by visiting St. Luke’s website. Below are copies of English and Spanish flyers for this service should you choose to display them in your library’s telehealth access space.

ICfL Databases

Libraries Linking Idaho ( Health and Wellness Databases

The Idaho Commission for Libraries provides every Idahoan access to a number of subscription databases and resources through LiLI (Libraries Linking Idaho).

The Health and Wellness topic contains links to databases and resources such as Consumer Health Complete, Health Source, Alt HealthWatch, and many others.

Online Resources


A free online health information resource provided by the National Library of Medicine.

National Library of Medicine (US). (2021, November 29). MedlinePlus. MedlinePlus.

Medline Plus >

MedlinePlus Video Tutorial

A short (13-minute) video providing an overview and tour of the major features of the MedlinePlus website.

Baker, D. (2021, December 7). MedlinePlus tutorial (Dec 2021) [Video]. YouTube.

Watch MedlinePlus Tutorial >

Merck Manuals Consumer Version

A free online health information resource published Merck & Co. for both the general public and medical professionals.

Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. (2021). Merck manuals consumer version. Merck Manuals Consumer Version.

Merck Manuals >

General Resources

Telehealth: MedlinePlus

A definition and overview of telehealth for the general public by the National Library of Medicine. Includes links to other general pages about telehealth that can further introduce the concept to patients and library staff.

National Library of Medicine (US). (2021, August 10). Telehealth. MedlinePlus.

Telehealth: Medline Plus >

Rural Telehealth Toolkit

An online toolkit containing information, examples, and strategies for developing a rural community telehealth program.

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. (2020, October). Telehealth.

Rural Telehealth Toolkit >

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare: Telehealth

The Healthcare Transformation Council of Idaho (HTCI) Telehealth Task Force developed a detailed report in October 2020 to improve the utilization of telehealth in Idaho.

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. (2020, October). Telehealth.

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Telehealth Guide >

Promoting Individual and Community Health at the Library

A guidebook for public libraries with suggestions and resources for improving their health and wellness offerings to their communities.

Flaherty, M. G. (2018). Promoting individual and community health at the library. ALA Editions.

Promoting Individual and Community Health at the Library Guidebook >

National Library of Medicine Web Policies

The Medical Information Disclaimer provided by the National Library of Medicine is a solid example for libraries to consider when sharing health information and resources.

National Library of Medicine. (2021, August 19). NLM web policies.

National Library of Medicine Web Policies >

Deana Brown headshot

Deana Brown

Adult Services Consultant
Email / 208-639-4156
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