medical plus sign with state of idaho outlined in the center

Telehealth Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help libraries implement telehealth programs that are relevant and valuable to their communities. Whether you are a rural library hoping to provide services that are geographically out of reach for your patrons or an urban library trying to create a safe and private space for mental health visits, this toolkit provides you with all the information and resources you need to get started.

Getting Started

Library Telehealth 101 – A Getting Started Guide

This guide lays the groundwork for creating a successful telehealth program in your library by helping you understand the role your library plays in offering a telehealth space, defining key terms, introducing you to the healthcare landscape, providing tips on connecting with healthcare partners, how to address your new program in your library’s policies, how to handle scheduling, and a technology guide for how to set up your space. The guide also includes valuable quick-reference guides for emergencies, identifying other resources, and an easy-to-use checklist.

Download Guide (pdf)

Inside a library, a laptop is open to a telehealth check-in screen

Healthcare Landscape for Idaho

This video provides a wide overview of the healthcare landscapes in Idaho and includes background information about the different types of hospitals and health care centers and how to navigate these systems to create community partnerships.

Marketing and Media Toolkit

The following marketing resources are designed to help you promote your telehealth spaces. This toolkit contains a complete guide about how to market telehealth services to your community with content that feels authentic, calls people to action, and utilizes social media. This toolkit also contains customizable print and digital resources with tips and tricks on how to use them and best practices for utilizing social medial platforms. Download a pdf version of the toolkit

Printable Resources

Download and print the files below to help spread the word about telehealth resources in your community. If you would like a customizable template, please refer to the marketing and media toolkit above for links to customizable items.

Digital Resources

The following digital resources can be used on your digital platforms including your website and social media.

Would you bring your roomates to your doctor’s appointments?

You wouldn’t bring your roommates to your doctor’s appointment, so why bring them to your telehealth appointment? Reserve a private booth at your local library. This short video is perfect for marketing on mobile devices with an eye toward younger audiences. Download Video

Video Description: Four roommates sit on their living room couch together. One roommate is on his laptop and looking around uncomfortably. Text on the screen reads: You wouldn’t bring your roommates to your doctor’s appointment. So why bring them to your telehealth appointment? Reserve a booth at your local library.

Slides and Images

The following slides can be used on your website, social media, and digital reader boards to let your community know about your telehealth site.

Don’t Let Slow Internet Disrupt Your Next Telehealth Connection

Click on an image to download it. Each image is 1080x1080px.

Image Description: Frustrated woman staring at computer. Text reads: Taking charge of your health? Check. Finally making that telehealth appointment? Check. Dropped calls and a choppy connection? Nope! Let your local library help with a high speed internet connection.

Turtle with speech bubble. Text reads Don't let a slow internet connection disrupt your next telehealth appointment. Book a room at your local library today!

Image Description: Turtle with speech bubble. Text reads: Don’t let a slow internet connection disrupt your next telehealth appointment. Book a room at your local library today!

Image Description: Various devices displaying telehealth doctors on their screens. Text reads: Don’t let slow internet disrupt your next telehealth appointment.

Take Your Next Telehealth Appointment at Your Library

Click on an image to download it. Each image is 1920x1080px.

Image Description: Various devices showing telehealth doctors on their screens. Text reads: Take your next telehealth appointment at the library! Behavioral health care, preventative check-ups, and support for managing chronic conditions.

Image Description: Person typing on a laptop with a reflection of a survey projected in front of the screen. Text reads: Need assistance accessing your telehealth appointment? Let your local library help.

Deana Brown headshot

Deana Brown

Adult Services Consultant
Email / 208-639-4156
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