Outreach & Family Engagement

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ICfL supports the outreach and family engagement efforts of Idaho public, school, and tribal libraries by encouraging them to serve all segments of their community. ICfL supports libraries as they make changes to in-house programming, services, and spaces and as they offer outreach events and partnerships to reach underserved segments of children, families, and their caregivers.

These efforts can happen through program activities, staff continuing education, community and caregiver engagement, and topic-specific grant work. These programs and activities help families, and their children, feel welcome and supported inside the library, through both traditional and adaptive programming and updated programs and materials, as well as outside the library, through community events, neighborhood access to literacy information, and partner collaboration.

Programs & Services

Cartoon animals on various modes of transportation. Idaho Family Reading Week 2024. Rev Up Your Reading.

Idaho Family Reading Week

An annual statewide celebration to reinforce the fun and value of family reading time through books, events, activities, and more!

Indigenous Idaho logo

Indigenous Idaho

Online course focusing on how public and school libraries can partner with, better serve, curate accurate materials, and celebrate Indigenous peoples and cultures.

Jump Start Kindergarten

Providing early literacy resources, books, and library card sign-up to children and their caregivers in the year before Kindergarten.

Early Learning Spaces from Your Library

Building literacy-rich places in everyday spaces through local public library and community organization partnerships and programming.

Library Outreach to Children

Library Outreach to Children

A year-round program providing early literacy resources and books to libraries conducting outreach to children and families who are not regular library users.

Welcoming Libraries Grant

Grant opportunity for public, school, and tribal libraries to help improve equity, diversity, and inclusion in libraries to better serve Idaho’s underserved groups of children.

Bicultural Services

Connecting Idaho library staff with bilingual resources, materials, and program ideas to better serve their Latine and Spanish-speaking patrons.

ICfL Market

Order free early learning support materials to use at your next outreach event. Brochures, activity handouts, bookmarks, and more!

LITT: On the Move!

Connect with Idaho library staff who provide library services and outreach through bookmobiles or other mobile services.

Additional Resources & Information

Outreach & Family Engagement News

Kristina Taylor

Kristina Taylor

Outreach & Community Engagement Consultant
Email / 208-639-4136
Read my Blogs