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2023 Idaho Family Reading Week:
“Art is All Around Us”
“Art is All Around Us”
November 6-12, 2023
This year’s Idaho Family Reading Week theme is all about art – “Art Is All Around Us” – and we’re mixing things up a bit this year with the resources ICfL will provide to libraries. To kick things off, immediately after you register, your library will receive a copy of TinkerLab’s Art Starts: 52 Projects for Open-Ended Exploration, to help you plan your activities. Next, instead of receiving 4-5 themed, hardcover, newer books for your library collection, we’re taking the “one-read” approach and providing the same art-focused book to each kid (up to 10,000): The Dot, by Peter Reynolds. (Note, there will be some art-themed chapter books, Van Gogh Deception, by Deron Hicks, for the older kids.) With The Dot and process art as the focus of this program, libraries are free to connect-the-dots to International Dot Day activities, a children’s artwalk in the library (or outside), partnering with your local arts commission/artists, you name it! The possibilities are endless and totally up to you and your library staff. Scroll down to “2023 Program Resources” to view tons of ideas and resources gathered by ICfL so your library can offer great literacy-oriented Family Reading Week activities. Registration opens September 15th (see below).
Idaho libraries who do not register in time for one of the 100 spots may still offer a FRW event and use the following ICfL-developed material for free (find it on our FRW website):
- Idaho Family Reading Week themed artwork: downloadable posters/flyers, Facebook/website banners, letterhead, proclamation and press release templates;
- Google Choice Boards (3) full of related resources, educator guides, and lots of ideas for extension activities;
- Idaho Digital E-Book Alliance (IDEA) e-book list created specifically for FRW;
- Digital copies of both the give-away books, The Dot and Van Gogh Deception, are also available on IDEA
- Recommended themed reading lists and parent handouts that support early literacy skills and are related to the “art” theme.
Want to learn more about Idaho Family Reading 2023 and our “Art Is All Around Us” theme BEFORE registration opens?
Listen to an overview of this year’s FRW details in this recorded virtual info session
2023 Program Resources:
For our “Art Is All Around Us” theme, ICfL will provide each registered library (first 100) with the following books:

Process art guide for library program planning (100 copies available, one for each registered library)

The Dot, by Peter Reynolds (10,000 copies available) (rec. ages 4-9)

Van Gogh Deception, by Deron Hicks (500 copies available) (rec. ages 10-12)
Questions? Contact Read To Me Project Coordinator, Kristina Taylor