Read the Latest Issue
Vol. 17 No. 1

The Scoop - January, 2021

Have you been glued to a television screen for the last 24 hours? Or your phone? Do you need a break from current events? Check out the January edition of The Scoop…on a totally different screen! Or you can print it out. Because no matter what is happening in the world, the library is still open (in one way or another). Learn how to re-vamp your teen program, prepare for Summer Reading, and learn everything there is to know about ICfL support materials. Enjoy!

Read Scoop
Vol. 16 No. 12

The Scoop - December, 2020

The last issue of The Scoop for 2020 is here, bringing holiday joy, statewide chats, continuing education opportunities, “Best Of” booklists, lots of great resources to share with your families, and a partridge in a pear tree. Get yourself settled with your calendar, your To Do list, and your favorite holiday toddy, and congratulate yourself for making it through one of the most topsy-turvy years ever. Knock on wood.

Read Scoop
Vol. 16 No. 11

The Scoop - November, 2020

It’s November and, along with Egg Nog Lattes, the Scoop is here!  Read on for some big announcements, a new program that’s been an IDEA that has been a long time coming, some grant information, and loads of inspiration from your fellow librarians.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Read Scoop
Vol. 16 No. 10

The Scoop - October, 2020

In October…leaves change colors, fires (hopefully) quiet down, kids dream of costumes while librarians dream of in-person programming and…IDEAs are born. Be sure to read the “Welcome” intro of this issue of the Scoop to learn more about ICfL’s latest IDEA. (Hint, it’s a new and glorious ICfL acronym!) Of course we bring to you loads of inspiring resources, books, articles, grants, courses, tips and opportunities. Enjoy fall in your neck of Idaho!

Read Scoop
Vol. 16 No. 9

The Scoop - September, 2020

Welcome to September! It’s library card sign up month! Fall starts soon! Pumpkin spice! Halloween candy! It’s month nine of the looooongest year on record, and while this month’s edition of The Scoop does not contain any life hacks to make time go faster, it does have some tips for helping you prepare for the next few months. Find information on take-home kits, upcoming grants, and learn about a NEW version of LiLI designed for school-age kids. And let’s not forget all the fall conferences – they’re virtual! You can finally attend a library conference from the comfort of your home (and maybe in your pajamas?). Don’t feel like planning anything? You can procrastinate by reading this month’s newsletter over and over again. Enjoy!

Read Scoop
Vol. 16 No. 8

The Scoop - August, 2020

The August issue of The Scoop has many resources to help you get ready for the school year during the pandemic: supporting children and families with at-home learning, library service webinars, grant funding, diversity sources, newly released books, and training opportunities. Put down your copy of Midnight Sun for a few minutes and sink your teeth into The Scoop! Though perhaps not as juicy, this must-read definitely has less teenage angst.

Read Scoop
Vol. 16 No. 7

The Scoop - July, 2020

‘Hot’ July is here and, thank goodness, so is National Ice Cream Month! While the virus continues to wreak havoc on many states and some of our Idaho communities, libraries continue to create, innovate, and originate new approaches and fresh ideas to deliver library services and reach out to the members of our communities. The July issue of The Scoop captures some of these innovative ideas (see “Featured: Re-Imagining Summer Reading” and “Library to Library: Outreach for Underserved Children”) and offers some wonderful new opportunities ( see “Kindergarten Ready Corner: Ready! for Kindergarten™ Workshop Offer” and “Tweens and Teens: Transforming Teen Services Trainings”). As usual, this newsletter is jam-packed with lots of resources, tips and tools, and even a raffle drawing! May July find you staying cool in the shade and enjoying lots of fresh air!

Read Scoop
Vol. 16 No. 6

The Scoop - June, 2020

Welcome to summer! Whatever June plans you have in store, we hope you can find time to read this month’s issue of The Scoop. It is packed full of information that is relevant to this crazy summer, plus reading is an appropriate socially distant activity. Find yourself a patch of shade, a cool lemonade, and celebrate the warm weather with The Scoop!

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